“Day #2 with Alkemy x
We have been painstakingly putting the final touches on the edit because it’s very important to us that our film have the right rhythm. Making a movie is a lot like recording an album in a lot of ways. Each sequence within your film is like a different song on an album. While each sequence/song tells it’s own story, it’s also a pivotal part of the complete story, just as a song is a pivotal part of a full album. A sequence within a film is like 2 to 3 moments that directly connect to each other creating a mini-story. And these “moments” are always a combination of scenes, segways and musical montages that when grouped together communicate a solid beginning, middle and end. Just as each song features verses, chorus's and bridges to tell it’s mini-story. And just like a great album, a great film takes you on a journey through time and space that if calibrated correctly, penetrates your soul and pulls you through a range of different emotions that leaves you feeling gratified, satisfied and ultimately changed forever. Great films and songs feature familiar patterns repainted with fresh new details. When we repeat things we heard or saw 3 times within a film or a song we make magical connections that satisfy us more and more the less we see it’s being set up.